Yogi Suri is a fourth-generation entrepreneur who has diversified into Publishing, Printing and Packaging and is consulted by business houses the world over. He is also the Joint Editor of The Daily Milap, India's largest and oldest Urdu and Hindi Daily that has turned 96 this year.
He has travelled extensively as a part of various Government Delegations and has co-authored two books. He is a B.Com (Hons) Graduate and an MBA with a specialization in Internet Marketing.
A 1991 batch pass-out, Yogi is presently the President of Modern School Vasant Vihar Alumni Association.
As the President of the Committee, he is focused to improve the quality of alumni engagement to ensure a better and more satisfying yet fun alumni experience. He is very active in Social Work and prefers to read Literature in free time and his interests include Aero-modelling, Golf and Chocolates.

MSVV Alumni Association: the many foundations
In 1980 the first batch of students graduated from Modern School Vasant Vihar. From then on, batch after batch of Modernites have brought great glory to the school excelling in a multitude of professions and skills. Within just a decade there was a strong desire among ex-Modernites to rekindle their bond with their Alma-mater. MSOSA - the Old Students Association of Modern School Barakhamba was gracious to invite Modernites from all branches of Modern School to their annual meet. Modern School Vasant Vihar teachers and alumnus were easily lost in the ocean of MSOSA fellows covering batches over 60-70 years.
In 1990 a valiant group of Modernites took the quest to get together scattered ex-Modernites from 10 different batches of MSVV. A strength of 150 gathered at the Kamal Mahal in the prestigious Maurya Sheraton eager to return to their roots and ignite bonds of comradery. This was an age devoid of mobile phones, e-mails, WhatsApp or Facebook. One can only imagine the enormity of the tasks involved in contacting, motivating and mobilizing a scattered group of individuals. However true to the Modernite spirit a start was indeed made. Over the next decade several noble attempts were made by various groups of enthusiastic Modernites to keep this connection going. However, defunct contact details from archaic records, limitations in available communication channels, absence of social media and only a handful of volunteers, made it truly impossible for these endeavours to survive the test of time.
By early 2000, once again there was very strong sentiment amongst ex-Modernites to establish an organisation that would bridge the lost bond between the school and its alumnus. With a strength of over 20 batches behind them, a fresh attempt was made in 2001 by a motivated group of young Modernites, together with a couple of veteran alumnus and the school principal to establish the Modern School Vasant Vihar Alumni Association. They were fearful that they too may fail, but they were also aware that if they did not pull it through then this beautiful Modernite bond may be lost forever.
The First Reunion
In 2002 the MSVV Alumni Annual Ball was organised at Garden of Five Senses, for the Alumni and Teachers of MSVV to reignite their bonds with each other. Over 300 Modernites enjoyed a gala evening with Dance, Music, Drinks and Dinner, topped with tall tales and nostalgic conversation. This event soon became an annual feature and eventually found its home in Hotel Crowne Plaza Surya, New Friends Colony for several years at a stretch. This event become the pride of the organisation and was eagerly awaited by each and every ex-Modernite and Teacher with great expectations.
Over 15 years the handful of volunteers devoted selfless hours, contributed personal funds and mobilised their own resources to keep the Modernite spirit alive. Not only did they profitably keep the organisation afloat but also contributed humbly to the events, activities and amenities in MSVV. Sticking with the technology of the time, a campaign to send official letters to the last known address of every Modernite was launched in 2004. This was probably the very first time many members from younger batches first
heard that such an organisation existed. There was a strong call for volunteers to stand-up and support the common cause. The list of volunteers slowly grew year by year and batch coordinators from several batches emerged.
Sport: Its in our blood
In 2005 the first official sports committee of the Alumni Association was setup. Their inaugural task was to reinstate the annual football match between the MSVV School Team and the Alumni Team. On Children’s Day - 14th November 2005 a new tradition was born. With just a couple of practice sessions and several reminders of one’s fragility and lack of fitness an unlikely group of middle-aged men won the first MSVV Alumni Football Cup. The Alumni Football has now matured into a fully functional independent football club – the Modern Warriors, who have been playing twice a week for almost 9 years!! New members are added with each passing batch and the group has the pride to sport many a father-son ex-Modernite duo on the field regularly.
The next order of business for the Sports Committee was to organise the very first MSVV Alumni Amadeus Golf Tournament at the Golden Greens Golf Resort in Gurgaon in 2005. Ex-Modernites and current school students steadied their grips and ‘wore-in’ their gloves to battle for juicy prizes and gleaming trophies. The course with its perfect mix of challenging and forgiving fairways and greens ensured a satisfying round for all levels of golfers. Far away from the sounds of traffic, smoke and dust of the city, the Golden Greens offered to be a tranquil and relaxed haven for a wonderful day on the course. The heavenly gods, however, were not so kind that particular day, as rains and winds ploughed through the course. The Modernite spirit, however shone brighter than sunshine. All participants finished their game and returned soaked and soiled to share tall tales of the days exploits over snacks and drinks. Yet another tradition was born. Over the years the Golf Tournament has found home in many prestigious course across NCR - including Golden Greens, Noida Golf Course and Jaypee Greens.
Tea with the Teachers
A brand new event - “Back to School Evening” was showcased in 2008. Upon repeated requests from members, the alumni association together with the faculty of MSVV curated a nostalgic evening set in the campus of MSVV. The evening was enlivened by the Rocking School Band, adorned with several accolades and prizes in various inter-school events. The endeavour was to recreate our cherished days at school. Ex-Modernites put on Blue Uniform Shirts and Ties, roamed the familiar arched corridors, visited their old classrooms, walked a lap around the football field and idled around in the basketball court. The highlight of the evening was the finger licking food from the canteen, just like the good old days.
MVA is Official
As technology progressed and social media went viral, a platform to launch a massive outreach program came as a god-sent bonus. Mass-email services, Facebook & WhatsApp groups enabled not only members of different batches to reunite with their batch-mates, but also for the organisation as a whole to showcase their presence and mobilize their strength. In 2014 after many years of serious effort and battling countless challenges the stage was set for launching an independent organisation representing the alumnus of MSVV.
On 6th September 2015 a historic meeting of Alumni volunteers, Principal of MSVV and senior members of MSOSA was held in the school. A new organisation was founded and registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. The Modern School Vasant Vihar Alumni Association (MVA) - the official body facilitating Alumni relations and various philanthropic objectives in partnership with the School was born. This initiated a domino effect in the Modernite community, as volunteer after volunteer stood up to represent their batch orl to assist in activities. With over 100 volunteers, a devoted executive committee and capable office bearers the MVA was all set to take on the world.
On 23rd Dec 2015 the first official event of the MVA was held at Modern School, Vasant Vihar. Almost
1500 Alumni that represent the crème de la crème of society attended the first MVA Annual Dinner and the event soon became the talk of the town. For a majority of people who attended the event, it was the first time since they had left school and the experience was truly magical. The front lawns, the junior assembly area and the central quadrangle were transformed with tasteful décor and filled with enthusiastic cheer. The event has become a golden feather in the Association’s cap and promises to be a spectacular annual feature for years ahead.
Glory on field and off
In January 2016 with the grand success of the maiden event, another sporting jewel was added to the alumni crown, as a group of cricket aficionados founded the MVA Cricket League. The League attracted over 100 members within its inaugural period and slowly evolved into regular sporting enthusiasts, playing weekly in venues around the capital. The Modern Knights and The Modern Gladiators - the 2 aptly named teams, share deep commitment for the sport and for their alma mater, but battle it out like true rivals every week without miss. The MVA Cricket is a grand success with professional logos and kits, day and night venues, food trucks and an overflowing Modernite spirit.
We are family
In December 2016, the Association received a cry of help from the school. An old employee in Housekeeping had a tragedy in the family. Her pregnant daughter had met with an accident and was battling for life. She had to be kept on a ventilator for weeks, and the costs were more than crippling the family. A request for financial aid was sent out to Alumni through an excellent network of batch coordinators. Within 2 days, we had contributions flowing in, and we were oversubscribed and had to refuse further aid. We salute the spirit of the Modernite.
The future beckons
The 25th January 2017 was another special day for us. The Alumni Association, for the first time, officially participated in the Farewell to the Class of 2017, and welcomed them to their fold. The seeds for the future have been sowed.
It has been a long and arduous journey for the MSVV Alumni Association, from relative obscurity to emerge as a solid, autonomous, value-creating entity. Kudos to all the selfless volunteers, who have braved unfathomable challenges and multiple ups and downs, but kept on moving ahead.